प्रहरी कन्ट्रोल : १००, टोल फ्री नं.: १६६००१४१५१६


The NPA is the apex body of all Nepal   Police Training Institutions in the country. Its goal is to develop quality human resources for Nepal Police to achieve organizational and individual objectives with a strong commitment of service and responsibility to the people. The Academy is set to be the 'Centre for Excellence' and is committed to expand its resource base through tie-ups with similar institutions in and outside the country. The main objectives of NPA are:

  • To conduct foundation trainings (induction courses) by offering developmental opportunities to the senior police officers and technical police officers.
  • To prepare police instructors required for the entire police training system in Nepal Police and provide consultancy services.
  • To offer and undertake advanced training for senior police officers in the field of leadership, management and administration, proactive policing, community policing trainer's trainings, etc.
  • To extend prospective and substantive relationship with universities in the relevant subjects and to award academic degrees to the trainees.
  • To organize workshops, seminars, symposiums,conferences and short courses in policing issues.
  • To carry out quality research activities (required by Police Headquarters-PHQ) or to act as an research faculty (qualitative research on behalf of PHQ) regarding police profession to develop analytical capability.
  • To extend assistance and advice police headquarters i.e. consultancy service rendered to PHQ in formulating training policies.