प्रहरी कन्ट्रोल : १००, टोल फ्री नं.: १६६००१४१५१६
तालिम पाठ्यक्रम


Training Courses at the National Police Academy


The efficiency of any organization depends upon how well its members are trained. New recruits need training before they can take up their work. Policemen need it to keep them alert to the changing demands of the society and to equip them with better job specialization.


The NPA is concerned with upgrading the professional skill of police personnel as well as meeting the human resource challenges of Nepal Police by producing capable and efficient manpower through various training.Trainers are committed to provide a high quality of service, seek to design and deliver training in tune with the technology and educational methods.


Traditional policing methods have been synchronized with the change in time. The NPA has travelled a long way toward reforming the training on criminal justice and safeguarding human rights along with various activities to make its accessibility to women and children for justice. To achieve its objectives, the NPA has adopted the research and planning to review the curriculum.


Training Courses at the National Police Academy are listed below:



Basic course for Police Inspectors.


Short-term basic course for promoted Police Inspectors.


Technical Basic Course for technical Police officers.


VIP Security course for Inspectors and Deputy Superintendents .


Crime investigation course for Inspectors and Deputy Superintendents


Senior Management Development Course for Police Superintendents & Senior Superintendents


General Police Administration courses for Inspectors and Deputy Superintendents.


Martial Arts and Gymnastic basic and advance course for NCO's.


Police trainers course for Police Instructors.

  For Curriculums click here >>